Official master’s degree in Advanced Research in Political Science

Official master’s degree in Advanced Research in Political Science

Would you like to contribute to help find solutions to the challenges facing society today? Do you need to master the mechanisms used to evaluate public policies based on empirical evidence or acquire the training to go on to a PhD programme? Do you want to learn how to use a large volume of data generated by a new digital environment? Are you interested in processes of political and electoral change and identifying the reasons behind how citizens behave, both in and outside of Europe?

This master’s degree will prepare you to work with sociopolitical data by enabling you to:

· Gather and generate data in different formats, including the automatisation of processes through the use of the internet.

· Master advanced analysis techniques (longitudinal and multiscale data) and methods used for causal identification (experimental and quasi-experimental designs).

The master’s degree combines the latest in academic methodological training with a professionalising projection through a mixture of research activities of international excellence provided by its lecturers and the collaboration of several research institutes in which you can participate in work placements. 

UAB master’s degrees provide you with advanced interdisciplinary training and are divided into programmes offering practical training for employment and others specialising in initiation to research.